What am I doing here?

Sometimes you go through things in life that seem to derail you from your path so much that you wonder, what am I doing here? Like how did I get to this place and what is the purpose. What am I supposed to be doing. I know where I want to be but how do I get there. All of these things run through your mind and things can be incredibly discouraging. You start to feel like why am I alive. What have I done. Am I important. What am I doing that’s important. Especially with people all around you flaunting their accomplishments and successes everywhere you look.

In life there will always be obstacles. The struggle is the same as time progresses, however, there is a purpose through each struggle. And this purpose helps you to figure out who you are and what your ultimate purpose is, as well as gets you closer to God. Because your faith will be tested each time. You will be tried and tested and for some it’s a battle between doubt and worry. God wants to know that you will rely on him and seek refuge in him through anything. And mostly that you will put him first through everything.

So I’m telling you, let go of all of that nonsense.

Get free of all that bondage.

God got you.

2 thoughts on “What am I doing here?

  1. The Immigrant Voice

    “God got you” is the easiest way to go through life peacefully and not succumb to fear. While most probably God doesn’t even exist and it is just a way to protect ourselves from the cruel reality of life.


    1. ShetheRoses Post author

      Exactly. But I believe you have to believe in something and knowing what it cost for me to be alive I am thankful everyday and truly believe “God got me” because I’m a living example of that based on what I have gone through and been saved from only by his mercy and grace



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